Rotator Cuff Repair Jayanagar Bangalore | VNC Orthopaedic Clinic

Rotator Cuff Repair

The rotator cuff, also known as the shoulder joint, is a complex set of tendons and muscles that work together to support the shoulder joint. In a normal shoulder, the tendons glide smoothly over the surface of the bones, moving the arms up and down. When one or more of these tendons becomes torn or worn, the tendons no longer glide along with the bones, and the movement of the arm becomes painful and immediately seek doctor to get the rotator cuff repair.

Possible Causes

Injury and degeneration are the two prevalent causes of rotator cuff tear. A rotator cuff injury happens due to a tear when sudden fall or overuse of an arm due to repetitive activities. It can occur due to dislocated shoulder due to an accident. The rotator cuff is common due to ageing with degeneration tissues.


The following are the common signs of a rotator cuff tear.

    Repetitive pain, mild to severe chronic pain

    Pain that disturbs sleep

    Weakness in the arms or shoulders

    Limits the range of motion

    Redness or swelling in the areas of shoulder joints

    Crackling sensation while moving shoulder


A diagnosis is the first step in determining a course of treatment. Shoulder pain is the short-lived and if it worsen or any weakness around the shoulder or an arm, you need to immediately see the doctor at once.
You may have to undergo the below tests:

    X-Ray: A diagnostic test to visualize tissues, bones, and organs. It also determines to check arthritis or bone spurs.

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI scan will help in displaying the structures of the shoulder.

    Ultrasound: Ultrasound test assess soft tissues such as muscle and tendons.


The Rotator cuff repair often involves varied treatment methods as per the patient's condition, age, medical history, and activity level. The treatment begins first with non-surgical options. The surgical technique is the last alternative if the condition is severe or does not improve with non-surgical procedures.
Non-Surgical Rotator cuff often includes:

    Resting the shoulder: Your doctor will recommend limiting overhead activities and having a complete rest. A sling might be prescribed to protect the shoulder and keep it stationary.

    Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Non-Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) medications such as Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen and Naproxen are prescribed to minimize pain and swelling.

    Physical Therapy: The doctor might also advise physical therapy and a few exercises to strengthen shoulder muscles, restore movement, and improve flexibility.

    Steroid Treatment: Steroids injections are a part of the treatment plan for rotator cuff repair. The injection consists of medicines to reduce swelling, pain, and irritation.

    Stem Cell Therapy: The rotator cuff can be treated using stem cell therapy. The treatment involves harvesting a patient's stem cells from bone marrow, fat, umbilical cord blood, or the patient's blood and re-injected into a damaged area of a patient's body.

Surgical Treatment
The surgical process for rotator cuff repair is administered by the doctor if the non-surgical fails to give the desired results with other combinations of treatments.

Shoulder Arthroscopy
Shoulder arthroscopy is minimally invasive that requires a skilled surgeon to perform. It is an outpatient surgery done to treat pain, instability, and stiffness in the shoulder and rotator cuff tear. The surgery requires using a small one-inch incision, allowing doctors to directly visualize the damaged joint and the underlying structures of the shoulder.

Open Surgery
Open surgery involves making a large incision to treat the damaged part of the shoulder. It can be painful, take a long time to heal, and can result scars on your body. For this reason, most doctors only perform open surgery as a last resort, usually when the rotator cuff of the shoulder cannot be reached by other minimally invasive methods.
Recovering from your rotator cuff injury can be a long process, but the sooner you get back to your normal routine, the sooner you can feel like yourself again. Dr Nithin Vadlamudi is a highly qualified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Orthopedist and Joint Replacement Surgeon in Bangalore that provides the best treatment for rotator cuff repair. Schedule an appointment today to start putting your life back together.